Sometimes you think you'll be fine by yourself cause a dream is a wish that you make all alone. It's easy to feel like you don't need help but it's harder to walk on your own.
You'll change inside when you realize
The world comes to life and everythings bright from beginning to end when you have afriend by your side. That helps you to find The beauty you are, when you open your heart and believe in the gift of a friend. The gift of a friend Someone who knows when your lost and your scared there through the highs and lows. Someone to count on, someone who cares beside you wherever you'll go. You'll change inside when you realize
The world comes to life and everythings bright from beginning to end when you have a friend by your side. That helps you to find the beauty you are, when you open your heart and believe in the gift of a friend. And when your hope crashes down, shattering to the ground. You, you feel all alone when you don't know which way to go. And there's no signs leading you home. You're not alone. The world comes to life and everythings bright from beginning to end when you have a friend by your side. That helps you to find The beauty you are, when you open your heart and believe in, when you believe in. When you believe in the gift of a friend.
27 jul 2009
Looking at a picture of you in my hands wondering if I'm ever gonna see you again. Without you I don't know how my life will be, but I believe it's not goodbye cause I will remember you and I will see you again when I rise. Cause I know and I believe I will see you in eternity.
23 jul 2009
Anywhere you are,
Iwanna be with you.
15 jul 2009
You and me
The perfect team
13 jul 2009
When i was 5 years old, my mom always told me that happines was the key to life. When i went to school, they asked me what I wanted to be when i grew up. I wrote down "happy". They told me I didn't understand the assignment and I told them they didn't understand life.
- Necesito viajar a USA - Quiero ir a bailar todos los viernes - Amo a mis amigas - Tengo pocas de las de verdad - Me obsesiono con las cosas - No paro de soñar - Aprendi a tocar la guitarra (: - Quiero ser famosa - No tengo mas ganas de estudiar, lo dejaria todo. - Creo que uno de mis hobbies es dormir - Quiero un auto - Quiero ser porrista - Ahora no me improta tanto tener novio - Odio las peliculas de drama - En un mes vi 5 peliculas de terror - Es increible porque me da demasiado miedo siempre - Necesito un hombre sexy al lado mio - Quiero tener una amiga de USA - Jim Carrey se parece a MIKE! (L) - Estoy enamorada de un hombre de 29años - Y de otro de 31- Y de otro de 19(: - No puedo creer que se case Kevin - En mi colegio hay muchisimos raros - Odio ESA relacion. - Me harto!ya todos sabemos como termina - Quiero un chiguagua o como sea - Necesito ir al shopping - Quiero trabajar para tener plata y hacer lo que quiera - Soy adicta a las revistas - Nunca llore tanto como en el mejor dia de mi vida - Quiero actuar - Quiero estar en casi angeles a ver si me agarro a Jaime aunque sea! jaja - Una de mis peliculas favoritas es La nueva cenicienta(: - A veces soy rara - Bueno, muchas veces. - Siempre evito las cosas - Amaria vivir de vacaciones - Amo mi note - Quiero una camara nueva poruqe la que tengo ya no funca - Quiero sacar buenas fotos - Somethingabout u isso adictive - Amo el twitter! - Todavia no hice las fotos de mi quince... fue en Marzo del 2008 - Megustariair a todoslos recitalesviejos de los Jonas - Hubiera dado todo por conocerlos cuando eran NADIE - Mama con todo esto de la porcina se volvio mas loca - Internet es el mejor invento del MUNDO - Tengo miedo de lo que decian los mayas del 2012 - El mundo va para atras - Me arrepiento de no haber empezado algo cuando era chica. - Mi hija se va a llamar Pilar - Zac Efrones el hombre mas hermoso de todo el mundo - Igual mi combo PERFECTO es Joe - Odio a Camilla Belle con toda mi alma - Creo que ya escrbi mucho pero tengo mas para decir - Quieroestaren quintoYA - Este fue un año de mierda bah, lo es - No me gusta ni la crema ni el dulce de leche - Amocomprarmecdsoriginales - Me olvide lo que iba a poner!fuck - Odio que me digan que los Jonas no son nadie - Intente escribir un par de canciones pero no me sale!- Y la musica ni te digo jaja - Envidio a demasiadas personas - Todo el mudno esta igual, solo!jaja - Creo que si no veo a mis amigas dentro de dos dias me voy a morir de soledadY- A vecespienso eningles haha - Odio a los hombres - Nadie me va a amar tanto como Edward a Bella - Me gustan los gays (: - Quiero saber tocar el piano - Pero no quiero estar en la etapa de aprender, quiero agarrar y tocar jaja - Porque estepais es tan... choto? - Hillary Duff en Mas barato por docena estaba HERMOSA - Y Tay ni te digo - Taylor Swift tiene cara deduende - En ingles parecen lascanciones mas hermosasdel mundo - Cuando las tradusco son una mierda! jaja - Siempre quise trabajar tipo de babysitter, o lavar autos, o vender limonada jaja - Creo que aprendo mas ingles viendo videos en youtube que en el colegio - Eso es un hecho, con herni lo unico que aprendo son los capitulos delos simpsons - Es lo mas Herni- Estoy enamorada deAriel Acosta - Es el profesor maslindo y sexydel mundo - Odio que se me tilde todo cuando bajo mas de 5 canciones en elAres, me caga la señal - Habre escuchado esta cancion veces, y me quedo corta - Quiero la Dog Tag - Me hice una cuenta enAIM (: - Increiblemente alguien me reconoce por miblog :D - Ilovetoseeu inthedark- No me interesaNADIE- Tengo la cabezaen otro lado completamente - Quiero fiesta con mis amigas- Quiero empapelar toda mi pared confotos - Quiero tocar la guitarra como Mati - Lucky i'm in love with my best friend - Me lei la saga de Crepusculoen 2 meses - Necesito unaGNO! - Que tiene de bueno estar enamorado de tu mejor amigo? - Ashton Kutcherpodria ser tranquilamente mi padre pero como le doy - U and I love - Vi la casa deceraSOLAsolo porque trabajabaChad y Jared - DUIFNIEF LA CONCHA DEL MONO, SE ME CORTARON MIL COSAS. FUCK!
1 jul 2009
I was out with the guys just the other night. We were playing some pool, trying to have a good time, chalking my cue, lining up to shoot. But I felt a hand on my shoulder, turned around it was you started talking to me all conspicuously and I was wondering why. Said you want to talk outside, can you give me a little time? And there's been something that's been weighing on your mind. She said, I know he's your best friend but you're the one I wanted. Then she reached for my hand and I started to lose control. We both care about him so how could we be so careless? It's a no win situation, either way we're gonna lose. It's a no win situation, falling in love with you.
I remember that first time we ever met, you were wearing your low rise and that little hoodie. I was such a goody-goody missed the opportunity, baby. My friend asked you to dance, now I'm standing on the side thinking you should've been mine. Then you turned to me and said, I wish it was you that night. She said, I know he's your best friend but you're the one I wanted. Then she reached for my hand and I started to lose control. We both care about him so how could we be so careless? It's a no win situation, either way we're gonna lose. It's a no win situation, falling in love with you.
I know it seems like it's easy to say, that you never do this to a friend but she might be the one for me and it would kill me to let her go again. She said, I know he's your best friend but you're the one I wanted. Then she reached for my hand and I started to lose control. We both care about him so how could we be so careless? It's a no win situation, either way we're gonna lose. It's a no win situation, falling in love with you.